Sunday, 11 December 2011

Being content in all situations

Pious christians often toss this out when things aren't quite as they seem.  I've probably done some tossing in my time.
Now I'm struggling to be content despite a good marriage, incredible daughter, a move to a simple lifestyle, a cottage over looking the sea, today taken care of, friends who know and love me.  I have an inkling it has something to do with the 'good works that Christ has prepared in advance for me to do'.  I don't know what they are which makes contentment a struggle, for me.
One of the invitations is to identify and hold my boundaries.  What are the things I am going to do over the holiday season that I want to build and guard? Regular exercise, contemplation, creativity, meaningful friendship time, making time to seek the 'good works'.  If I know my 'good works', nurture them, honour them, perhaps I will invite contentment.

Monday, 5 December 2011

The Apprentice, but Donald Trump is nowhere in sight (thank goodness)

My husband bakes bread in his 'other life'.  He returned to his passion of artisan bread-baking about a year ago and now his passion has become volunteering in a local bakery three times a week.  "I'm an apprentice", he said to me this morning.
My response is interesting. I love that word, it could be so many things. So on a scale of possibilities is it:
- how can he be volunteering when he needs to bring home the bacon (although in this case, he brings home loaves of delicious artisan bread)?
- what does this volunteering mean for our other business?
- I'm left with the childcare and housework?
- he wakes me up at 4:30 am when he leaves for his shift?
- volunteer = hero?
- he gets to make new connections in the village we have just moved to while I'm at home?

If I'm honest with myself, there might be a smattering of truth in the above, but actually it's revealed my lack of personal passion.  It's revealed how few boundaries I have around what I really want to do.  In fact, what do I really want?
What do I want to be an Apprentice at?  Maybe I don't need to be an Apprentice, perhaps I'm already qualified.  I just have to nail it down and draw some boundaries around it.